"The only impossible journey is the one you never begin."
Specializing in Safe, Natural, and Functional Care
Practicing a hands-on, drug-free approach to health care includes an evaluation, examination, diagnosis and treatment. Utilizing diagnostic skills to determine dysfunction or illness, care is tailored to each individual's needs. Recognizing that pain in the neck or back ache might originate from a knee problem and someone else's neck or back pain could be due to direct injury, is an advanced skill. Park County Chiropractic is unique in that we recognize that there are many different ways to treat a person, so we use a variety of adjusting techniques and other natural therapies to fit the care to the person...
Nutritional Therapy
By simply strengthening weakened systems, glands and organs a person can increase their own life expression. This results in more personal power, greater clarity of purpose, more endurance, and more capability to join in creativity with others. No matter what challenge is facing an individual (grief, disease, stress, etc.), being potent to meet the challenge is where a vibrant life is found. In the words of one of my mentors, "I believe that strong people live well, and demonstrate human greatness!” Supplemental, herbal, and lifestyle therapy can be profound....
Function & Performance
Using a variety of therapies, including IASTM, taping, exercises, stretches, etc, in addition to Chiropractic care, people not only get better, they get stronger, more resilient, and more capable to return to whatever they need or want to do in life. So whether it is a runner with a hip problem, a volleyball player with a shoulder, or grandma with a knee problem...
We are all athletes of our daily life. That is one of our mottos! We have found most of us have aspects of our health and function that can be improved.
Some people have a dysfunctional movement pattern needing unraveled. Other people need support to build more stability and resilience, and some of us want to learn how to bump up performance to the next level. Whatever your needs and goals, there is a way to get you there...
Infants, Children,
& Teens
A Healthy Lifestyle
Working with infants, young children and teens is especially wonderful! When we tell people that we care for children and babies, their initial reaction is often one of surprise. They assume that the same techniques used on adults are used with children. Chiropractic care is ‘tailored’ to the individual, and children are no exception. Children of ages are provided with safe, specific, and gentle adjustments appropriate to the infant and child’s body. Additionally, we provide sports rehab and injury care, concussion care, school and athletic physicals, specific care for retained reflexes...
Helping people to live a vibrant lifestyle is a primary focus of being a doctor. It is a big world filled with information that sometimes seems to contradict itself every few minutes. We enjoy helping people in Livingston and surrounding communities weed through the misinformation and teaching them the habits that build a life of good health. Helping people to better understand their own health journey is part of my job...
Your Doctors
Dr Stephen Dobelbower (Dr Steve)

Helping improve hip function.

Gently adjusting the Thoracic Spine

Adjusting a patient

Helping improve hip function.
As a Chiropractor in Livingston, my goal is help as many people as possible live a full vibrant life. Whether someone is 1 or 90, they have the capability to improve and sustain function. I started my journey as a health care provider when I decided to give myself to helping others through Chiropractic Care. Little did I know then the journey I would embark upon.
After completing my BA in Communications and Gender Studies degree at Washburn University in Topeka, KS, I decided to start pursuing a Doctorate of Chiropractic at Logan College of Chiropractic in St Louis, MO. At Logan, I also completed a BS in Human Biology before completing my Doctorate. It was also during my last year at Logan that I started to understand the profound importance of nutrition in healing and health. After attending a continuing education seminar in my second year of practice, I started my post-doctorate degree in nutrition. And because health is journey that is ever changing...
The Team
You will see Kathi and Holly at the front desk when you come in or helping people throughout the clinic.
They keep everything tip top. Need help scheduling an appointment or need to ask
Dr Steve a question between appointments, they will make sure it happens with a smile.